Bahai In Winter
Hanging Jesus
Striking Down Your Demons
Soldier's End
No Longer Self
Tunnel of Love
Deerfield Catholic
Cemetary Angel
Xmas in Lake Forest
Waiting for God
Mary, Divine Mother
Museum of Art Buddha
Divine Mother
Grateful Dead Drummer
Hariharananda Giri
Bahai Temple
My Girl
Chicago Museum of Art
Ft. Sheridan Cemetary
Inner Light
Greek Temple
Museum of Art Boddhisatva
Tibetan Statue
Day of the Dead
Ft Sheridan Cemetary Statues
Melody Farm Indian Statue
Melody Farm Indian Statue 2
Dia de los muertos 2
Alice Millar Chapel 2
Deerfield Catholic
Stained Glass Panels
Ft. Sheridan Cemetary
Faded Jesus
Stained Glass Window 6
Stained Glass Window 2
Quincy History Museum
Alice Millar Chapel
Jesus' Suffering
North Shore Congregation Israel
Lakeside Congregation
Madonna and Child
Deerfield Catholic Pipes
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